Yoga in Life
upcoming events 2025

2024 Yoga for Health Series continues after the success of previous workshops.

1. Yoga for the Lymph System
Sunday 25 February 24, 2.30-5pm
2. Yoga and the Inner Pharmacy
Sunday 17 March 24, 2.30-5pm

The concept of health in Yoga is to realise the natural stamina, strength and ability of the body, mind and the emotions.” Swami Niranjananda

This is what I have come to know through my personal yoga journey which has been my guide through the joys and the challenges of my life. Health comes from the realisation of our inner resources and is the foundation for the Yoga for Health Series.

Our world continues to challenge us in expected and unexpected ways. I humbly offer some simple practices from an authentic yoga lineage to strengthen the nervous system, to refine the energetic frequency of the body and to achieve equanimity in the hope that we will continue to grow, expand and connect with all that is positive within ourselves and the world around us.

Each workshop includes postures, breathing practices, meditation and or relaxation adapted to suit each topic and the participants.

Yoga for the Lymph System- Take out the garbage, increase immunity.
Sunday 25 February 2.30-5pm

When we talk about elimination of waste we tend to think of the digestive system. The lymph system is not specifically addressed. The lymphatic system is a part of the immune system and is essentially the body’s drainage system (lymphatic drainage system) which cleans up and disposes of all the waste left behind by other systems of the body. The waste can come from the normal breakdown of active muscle and from the food we eat. Lymph ducts collect wastes that have been discarded by the cells. Then, these wastes are transported through a body-wide network of lymphatic vessels to the bloodstream, where they’re filtered out by the liver. Purification takes place and supports our immune system.

In this deeply purifying workshop, we begin with pawanmuktasana to assist energy flow in the joints and prepare the mind for the work ahead. Sun Salutations will warm the body and begin the work of activating the lymph glands which remove unwanted substances and intruders from the body. Then we will work on specific areas of the body using simple inversions and lion pose known to assist detoxification. Powerful bandhas and pranayama from the shat karmas will raise energy and remove blockages from the energetic body. We follow this with an ancient breath practice that brings a feeling of profound peace. Yoga nidra completes the workshop providing integration for the shifts that have taken place.

This workshop is suitable for anyone with some yoga experience. Modifications will be offered where needed.

Yoga and the Inner Pharmacy- Get high on the endocrine system.
Sunday 17 March 2.30 - 5pm

The endocrine hormones help control mood, growth and development, the way our organs work, metabolism , and reproduction. The endocrine system regulates how much of each hormone is released. Forget about prescription medications and recreational drugs to feel better. Through ancient yoga practices we can regulate the body's natural chemicals to achieve balance and internal peace.

In this uplifting workshop all the cells in the body will be awakened. A lot of energy will be moved with accessible postures providing a full body experience. Physically there will be more flexibility in the hamstrings and strength in the back and core of the body. Energetically the chakras will have a chance to come into balance. There will be a noticeable increase in vitality and mood. Breathing practices will help to refine the energy so that it can be applied in constructive ways to different situations. Meditation will provide a way to protect from negativity around us. Go away with practical tools for activating endocrine chemicals to bring balance to our inner and outer worlds.



Yoga In Life
289 Konini Rd, Titirangi


$60 for one workshop

$100 for both



Please complete the registration form below and make your payment via online banking.

Then we’ll email more information to prepare you for the event.



Please pay via online banking:

03 0156 0165143 00

Please include your name and event as the reference


Evolve through the Chakras cancelled

Sunday 4 June 2023
Titirangi, Auckland

Now more than ever we need to create a lifestyle that supports health and wellbeing from the inside out. A deeper understanding of the chakra system provides stepping stones for personal growth, self understanding and spiritual awareness. Take a day out to uncover dormant potential hidden deep inside the personality. Discover how to eliminate negativity by working with the chakras at the level of the pranamaya kosha (energetic subtle body).

This day will give insight into the process of eliminating accumulated toxins from both the body and mind through working with the chakras (energy centres) and nadis (energy channels). References will be made to the kleshas (causes of suffering) and samskaras (stored impressions) which we become aware of when connected to the inner mind.

Drawing on the wisdom of an authentic yogic lineage, the practices will help you to get to know yourself better and increase your energy at a more subtle level. You will have a greater understanding of how the chakras contribute to our unique personalities, along with the tools to increase consciousness and ultimately manifest dormant potential.

Connections will be made with yoga philosophy and physiology to give context and understanding. Enjoy the supportive energy and company of likeminded/hearted others (sangha). Leave feeling grounded, spacious and inspired, with gifts to continue the yogic journey.


9–9.30am: Arrival and Introduction to the chakras and their connection to yoga psychology.
9.30–11am: Traditional Hatha Yoga Class including asana, mudras, bandhas, pranayama, mantra and meditation with a focus on the chakras.
11.15–12.30pm: Mantra chanting. Sankalpa, Yoga Nidra on the chakras
12.30–1.30pm: Shared vegetarian/vegan lunch.
1.30–3pm: Walking and sitting Meditation Techniques, theory and practice.
3.15–3.45pm: Q&A, home practice, closing



Yoga In Life
289 Konini Rd, Titirangi
9–4pm Sunday 4 June 2023


$120 Early Bird 20 May 2023
or $140 Full Price



Please complete the registration form below and make your payment via online banking.

Then we’ll email more information to prepare you for the event.



Please pay via online banking:

03 0156 0165143 00

Please include your name and event as the reference